Re: [SLUG-POL] (FWD) Re: [svlug] How To Chase People Away From Linux (was: help

From: Jim Lange (
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 01:42:43 EDT

> On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 10:28:38PM -0400, Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> <snip>
> > Nevertheless, "Capitalism is the worst system know, but it's the best
> > system we have." Ideologically (as opposed to practically), Communism is
> > a much better system that capitalism - but it's also more narrow-minded,
> > a BIG fault in it's core. As my teacher would say, "music theory is not
> > music fact." I'll stop here because I really dont' want to get into this
> > now (I'm tempted though ;-) It's hard NOT to get into this... )
> >
> Okay, and I won't get into how wrong you are about communism/capitalism.
> Nor will I say anything about how capitalist economies are the strongest
> in the world, whereas communist economies have either failed or produced
> mostly poverty for their citizens.
> ;-}
> Paul

But either communism or capitalism unchecked can lead to a plutocracy :-)

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