Re: [SLUG-POL] Battle of the Bots?

From: Bill Triplett (
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 07:13:41 EST

As for Terminator Vs. Daleks...

The Terminator's success really depends on where he is at the time. He
has no ranged weapon. The Daleks do, but as I remember it... it's
killing power/effects varies from show to show -- sometimes killing,
sometimes dissolving, sometimes only wounding, always painful as hell
though. So if the showdown is set in some urban area where Terminator
has access to motorcycles, gas trucks, survivalist shops, and lumpy
terrain then the terminator will definately win against a squad of
Daleks. They are slow and their movements are really predictable, and
they are pretty noisy, esp. when they get talking about Exterminating

Picture here:

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