[SLUG] 20" Monitors

From: TimG (groovus@zinc-zag.com)
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 23:56:02 EDT

Hey guys, I have been lurking for a couple weeks'ish or so on the list.
I am from the FreeBSD camp but have been playing with Linux a lot
lately... So HELLO to you all!

The reason for this post is that many of us went the OSS route to save a
few bucks. Well recently I bought a 20" HP monitor from a guy in the
Tampa paper. It was an HP A4033A and is great! It looked like it had a
Sony Trinitron picture tube (and the Web confirmed this). I am pushing
it at 1280x1024 but have read that it will do 1600x1200 too.

Here is the best part, I paid $150.00 bucks for it and that included a
new cable that has VGA on one end and what looks like five BNC
connectors on the other that goes to the monitor. I am head over heals
about this and went back and bought a second!

...and he has more... still has quite a few of them he says. If
interested his number is (813) 899-9438. I do not remember his name
(starts with an "R" I think). But if you just say "...calling about the
monitors..." like I did on the second call they knew what I was talking

Oh, one "bad" thing about them is they are kinda heavy. I'd guess
around 70lbs... but that is SOOOOO minor considering the big picture
(pun intended!!!).

Sorry if this sounds like a push-- but it really is not, just an overly
happy dual head Linux monitor user :) Man, don't know how I ever
lived with a single display!

Thanks all! And keep up the good topics-- I am trying to catalog it all


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