Re: [SLUG] Cheap Box and Brian's Question

From: Norbert Cartagena (
Date: Sun Apr 29 2001 - 11:20:29 EDT

> Hey Tom
> I'm new to SLUG and I'm just wondering whats all the
> hardware info for and why most email's don't involve helping
> newbie's w/ basic Linux problems that inevitably arise while
> trying to learn it. By the way I always check
> for the latest trends and reviews of
> everything related to hardware. He's very reliable and
> up-to-date concerning motherboards. See ya Brian

        Well, do you have any newbie questions? And what do you define as a
newbie question? "How do I set up KPPP?" is probably a good newbie
question compared to most users. What about "How do I set up DRI?"
Setting up your computer to handle 3D graphics, is that Newbie? Compared
to someone like Ed or Derek, heck yeah. Compared to me, for example, it
might be "the next project" or even "Hey, I just did that", so when a
question comes up on it I either pay lots of attention or try to help.
This floating standard then applies to other things like "I'm a newbie
at GNU/Linux, but not to computers. I want to build a cheap GNU/Linux
box < Note, I am a bit anal on the GNU/LINUX-propper name thing, so
don't mind me.>. Where can I get some cheap parts?" Is this a newbie
        The truth is that to say that this list is ONLY answering questions to
the Linux Newbie would entail us having a list on the Linux kernel -
definitely NOT newbie material. Instead, this list is about a revolving
set of issues in the GNU/Linux system., including everything from "Hey,
how do I get Red Hat to work with Roadrunner" to "I'm having a problem
with GTK+..." (yes, that last one is a newbie question, if you're new to
GTK). to even "Hi. I've been on this list for a while. How do I
recompile the kernel?"
        The point is that this list is NOT exclusively for newbies. It is
actually for the increased flow and expansion of knowledge to and of all
its members. A nice side effect is since that all of us have been
newbies (except maybe for Ed, who keeps telling me his mom doesn't
remember any computer manuals being there at birth, so I suppose even
him), we can answer newbie questions (depending on what level of newbies
we ourselves are), thereby allowing others who before had no previous
knowledge to now begin on the path of attainment of knowledge with the
available resource of years of actual human experience on the subject

        I hope this helped you understand a bit why we discuss what we discuss

        Again, if you have any "newbie" questions, ask. We'll try to answer, or
at least point you to the general direction of where you're get the

Don't mind all the grammatical errors... I just woke up *yawn*


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