i suppose that i need to have a degree and work in a company to go to the
seminary or also people like me that like the security but don't work and
don't have a degree can go there?, you know..., i study alone to learn linux
i didn't go to the college. Please send me more informataion, i appreciate
How much the seminary?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Centanni" <ecentan1@tampabay.rr.com>
To: "[SLUG]Slug Announce" <slug-announce@nks.net>; "[SLUG]" <slug@nks.net>
Cc: <mfierce@recourse.com>; "Paul Foster" <paulf@quillandmouse.com>;
"[SLUG]linux-announce@news.ornl.gov" <linux-announce@sws1.ctd.ornl.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 4:08 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Network Seminar Invitation
> Matt Fierce, territory Sales Manager for Recourse Technologies has
> extended an invitation to our LUG to attend a Network Security Seminar
> to be held in Tampa at:
> The Hyatt Regency Tampa
> Downtown at Tampa City Center
> Two Tampa City Center
> May 8
> There will be two sessions -- one at 9am and one at 1pm.
> The program will include information on Recourse Technologies, general
> firewall and network security topics There will be a presentation and
> demostration of their ManHunt(tm) and ManTrap(r) products. The
> presentation will be given by their best east coast expert and he is
> guaranteed to NOT be an MSCE. (I like him already!). They welcome
> questions from the audience and there will be time for some in-depth
> discussion.
> Matt requests you register via the web:
> http://www.recourse.com/company/promo/seminar_tampa.html or by
> contacting him -- mfierce@recourse.com
> If you're planning to attend, contact Matt so he can get an idea
> of attendance.
> Ed.
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