> There are parts of that site's network I do not administer, in
> which I have seen the legacy closed-source proprietary
> applications running on discrete hosts, and know the
> authorized license counts -- They are !=
> It got me thinking of the analogy of a car theft -- Am I
> facilitating improperly, like a chauffer, or less immediately,
> like a service station that sells fuel, to the thieves?
Well, you could always attempt to sell them on benefits of Linux
(licensing = $0.00) vs the many thousands of $$$$ in fines...get them to
clean up their act. Hey, I like that. The way to come into compliance
with M$ is to simply _remove_ M$ software and replace it with Linux! We
could get an alternative ad campaign together, similar to the one from
the SPA (software publisher's association, right?) that says "Amnesty"
or whatever. We could say, "With Linux, there is no need for amnesty."
"Are you afraid that your company might be out of compliance with your
software? Just take any machine that's out of compliance and put Linux
on it. That way, you'll never have to worry about a Micro$oft audit
again. And you can smile in satisfaction that the auditors have gone
away empty handed."
On the other hand, yeah, if you care about your company paying lots of
fines...I'd tell them to pay up!
_its_ (no apostrophe) means "the thing that it owns"
_it's_ (with apostrophe) means "it is"
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