Brigitte wrote:
> Would someone have a copy of Slackware they could bring to the Tampa
> meeting tomorrow. I'll be glad to reimburse anyone for any costs
> involved. I tried going to the Slackware site from the link on
> and it said I needed a password to access the site.
> and now to really show my ignorance, what does Sub-7 have to do with
> screwing up my computer? I see a lot of Sub-7 probes on my computer, but
> since I have a firewall, I assume they are blocked. I'm obviously nowhere
> near, with any distribution of Linux, to be connecting to the Internet yet.
> Heck, I don't even have it installed yet <laughing> .. I don't know much,
> but I do know that I know nothing about security yet :)
Uhh, dude, Sub-7 is a trojan. I hope you're not seeing this on your
Windows system, if you do you might (REALLY) want to wipe it out, like
NOW. It'll log all your key strokes (read - passwords and credit card
numbers) and makes it easy for people to spy on you, use your computer
as a carrier and... man, just do yourself a favor and wipe your system
out now!!! Check out and for info. It's
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