Initially written for another list -- Slug's might enjoy
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Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 22:19:15 -0500
From: R P Herrold <>
To: Multiple recipients of list MDLUG <>
Subject: Liberation theology was: Re: [MDLUG] Fwd: GGRRR (not really linux
(call to action advocacy piece)
On Wed, 9 May 2001, Ken MacInnis wrote:
> And I'd like to think the average MCSE/VB "expert" is more a reader of
> Dilbert, Nancy Drew, or Blues Clues, but I may be overestimating.
Hey, hey now -- these folks are in pain; VB is a good thing --
I hold within my line of sight:
MS VB 2.0 Prof, and 3.0 Prof
MS Quick C 2.5
WordPerfect 5.0, 5.1, 5.1+, 6.0. Win 6.0, Win 7.0, Win 8.0
(hey, I was a developer for the platform - I got 30 update
floppy's a month mailed to me at one point from them)
OverDrive systems OverDrive 2.0
MicroRim R:Base 3.1B, 3.1C, 4.0, 4.0a, 4.5, 4.5+, SQL 2.0,
4.5SQL, 5.0 Win, 5.5, the Web interface (cannot see version)
Nantucket Clipper
a Borland C++ IDE developers pack (cannot see version)
MS DOS 3.2, 4.0, 4.01, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, Windows 2.0,
Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1 (both), Windows 95 (and a and b)
LaserGo GoScript postscript interperter
FormWorx 2.0, and 2.5
.. there is a horrible lot more ... I see seven 3 foot
bookshelves of primary and secondary print sources to go with
those DOS platform tools.
.. EVERY one of which I paid for, and all of which were
obsoleted within 18 months of their release by a later release
I had to buy ('at prefential upgrade pricing of only 50% of
the full boat')
It was the focus this pain brought, and a serious cost-benefit
analysis which caused me to break my addiction -- I am
still running a Slackware 1.2.3 kernel box in production at my
office. [I have the InfoMagic n-CD pack's from August '95
(kernel 1.2.13, RH 0.1, and Slack 2.3) to maybe RH 4.1 -- I
stopped paying that tax (only $20 every six months), as I
started paying the community with content and as I get enough
drive space for 'mirror' to avoid the need.]
Just as one graduates from easier reading material to real
books, and from training wheels to jet-ski's, those folks need
a friendly invitation, a mentor, and a helping hand - the Don
Marti advocacy piece should be re-read monthly.
Who have you set free today? You have all the tools. 'If
you see further, it is because you stand on the shoulders of
giants. (Sorry, Albert...) ' Advocate and set them free.
-- Russ Herrold
copyright (C) 2001 R P Herrold
Non-commercial verbatim reproduction authorized - all other
rights reserved.
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