How long is the video?
Any chance we might view it at the next NPR meeting?
If you were to characterize in a few words the essential message,
what would that be? (e.g. IBM sees an opportunity to make money,
they want to poke a sharp stick in Microsoft's eye, they see Windows
falling on its face soon and want to be the heir apparent, they needed
something cross-platform and Linux was the only game in town worth
investing in)
Thanks! Doc
> SLUGs:
> For those of you who didn't make it to the Tampa meeting, you missed a
> very entertaining and informative presentation on how and why IBM is
> doing Linux. It did not lend itself to transcription (lots of visual
> aids, etc.), but we did videotape it (thanks to John Tafel and Ronan
> Heffernan). Hopefully we'll be able to show the tape at future meetings
> for those who missed it.
> Special thanks go out to Ralph Cooley of IBM for taking time out of a
> very busy schedule to give us this presentation and answer questions.
> Paul
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