how are you adding the jobs? are you crontab -e as bigwig? remove bigwig
from the jobs IE:
su - bigwig
crontab -e
*/30 * * * * /var/www/html/stats/stats -v
*/2 * * * * /var/www/html/stats/pquery -l -s blah blah blah
On 11 May 2001 05:41:56 -0400, Douglas Alan Hartman wrote:
> OK This is my first post. I use the Red Hat bible for mose problems. But I
> cannot get cron to work. Arggg! I run RedHat 7.0 kernel 2.2. Here is my cron
> file. There is no cron.allow or deny files in /etc/. The user is bigwig.
> */30 * * * * bigwig /var/www/html/stats/stats -v
> */2 * * * * bigwig /var/www/html/stats/pquery -l -s blah blah blah
> Both these progams work fine from command line but not in cron. I had
> instructions to add the crontab as this "0,30 * * * * user /valid/paht/name"
> but I also noticed that the default dir was home/httpd which is from older
> versions. The */30 I got from existing cron files on the Computer whic is
> set to run every 30 mins. I have tried it both ways and nodda.
> I wish I had some more info to give you but I think that's all I am supposed
> to need.
> Alan Hartman
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