Don't listen to this guy, he doesn't know what he's talkin' about. ;-)
Just kidding Ronan.. Long time no talk. How's it going?
Ronan Heffernan wrote:
> Paul M Foster wrote:
> > On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 03:36:20PM -0400, edoc wrote:
> >
> > > Questions, please, as I kibbitz ...
> > >
> > > 1. Python and Perl are the only options?
> > >
> >
> > No. Well, yes, there are a lot of other languages you could use. But few
> > are as widely supported or as capable for general programming.
> >
> > Paul
> Personally, I love Python for scripting (I am a C/C++ bigot for heavy
> lifting). Python is nicely cross-platform, and object-oriented (important
> for large projects, or any project that will need to change over time).
> Python also has some niceties that effect performance, especially
> PythonByteCode; your ASCII english-oid scripting gets parsed (once) and
> stored in an unambiguous binary format the the interpreter can execute much
> faster than an interpreter forced to stumble through whitespace and
> comments. Admittedly, scripting languages are rarely used in
> speed-sensitive tasks.
> Python also works well with CORBA (a fact important to few programmers),
> and (like Perl) can be embedded in HTML pages. I much prefer embedded
> Python over PHP and its ilk.
> I never learned Perl, so I cannot say anything comparative about it.
> NEGATIVE: The most infuriating thing about Python (at least for programmers
> who use "real" languages) is the indentation scheme. Any place that you
> would use braces { } in C/C++ or BEGIN/END in Pascal, Python enforces
> indentation. For instance, all of the statements that are part of the THEN
> clause of an IF statement must be indented (identically); if its not
> indented properly, then it falls outside the THEN clause:
> if (os.environ["USER"] == 'john'):
> print "hello"
> else:
> print "goodbye"
> sys.exit()
> This is also how you define a function:
> def MyFunc():
> print "starting function"
> a=a+7
> print "ending function"
> print "This statement is not part of MyFunc()"
> --ronan
-- Johnny W. Hall Senior Unix Systems Administrator Newsgrade Corp. v: 941-552-2596 c: 813-857-9523 f: 941-330-1992
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