Re: [SLUG] question

From: Todd (
Date: Sat May 12 2001 - 21:41:35 EDT

I use kde myself but i know why some people think gnome has a ton of
bugs....Its mostly the fact that most distros that include gnome us
Enlightenment for the default window manager....not to start a holy war or
anything but E is a big piece of buggy bloated sh*t....the whole E idea is a
good idea but the fact is the person that maintains it is a GUI designer and
not a coder...This lead to needing massive amounts of ram and frequent
crashes that newbies would think was gnome and not E (alot of newbies think
gnome is a window manager like KDE is a window manager and are oblivious to
the fact that it runs over a window manager)....The whole KDE vs Gnome
arguement is almost a moot point because of the fact that you can run gnome
apps on kde and kde apps on gnome...granted they wont run as well but they
do work. Hope that answers some questions.

> actually no i wasnt trying to drive traffic. if the article is correct
> and gnome's players are in trouble i suggested they join
> up with the KDE team. if the article is inaccurate then i guess
> i did drive up the traffic inadvertently. i do have opinion and i
> am not wishing gnome people any bad will . that is why
> i was asking around to get some verification about the article.

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