Word Up G
On 14 May 2001 18:12:09 -0400, edoc wrote:
> > On Monday 14 May 2001 11:53 am, you wrote:
> > > patrick wrote:
> > > > i spend a lot of my free time on the net reading about linux.
> > > > i have noticed that Mandrake Linux is not mentioned on
> > > > lots of the Linux pages. has anyone else noticed this.
> Dear Mandrake 8 ... err ... Patrick,
> I hate to sound like the proverbial stick-in-the-mud but this constant
> and
> endless harping on Mandrake 8 is getting real old. We all have the message
> engraved on our eyeballs and monitor screens ... and instead of sheep we
> have Mandrake 8 CD's jumping over fences in our dreams!
> Let me get the Mandrake 8 religious dogma right, "Mandrake 8 is god's
> gift
> to the world, nothing else is worthy, and the failure to sumbit our Linux
> souls
> to the demi-god's of Mandrake 8 is a mortal sin." Oui, Oui? :-)
> This is not intended to be a flame but a plea for mercy! We believe that
> you
> believe ... can we let this go, even for a little while, pretty please?
> He slowly and painfully rises from the begging position on his knees ...
> ;-) Doc
> [one of the pitiful neanderthals using a non-Mandrake 8 distro]
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