Oh yeah, baby, and do they look sharp! The full color SLUG logo, palm
tree, web address, etc.
For those of you who have not sent your money to me yet, I'm only gonna
hold these for a limited amount of time (a month, maybe?). After that,
I'll have to assume you didn't really want it, and offer it to someone
Now, if you want your shirt (and assuming you've paid), you have several
1) I'll be bringing the shirts to New Port Richey, Dunedin and Tampa
meetings to give out.
2) You can come by my office to get them. That address is:
Quill & Mouse Studios, Inc.
2165 Sunnydale Blvd Suite E
Clearwater, FL 33765
Office hours are 9-5 M-Th, 9-12 Friday.
3) I will bring the shirts to the CTS show.
4) I can ship your shirt(s) to you. But that means I have to charge you
for shipping as well.
If you haven't sent your check, you can send it to the address above
(made out to SLUG). If you have some other idea about how I can get your
shirt to you, let me know _offlist_.
I also have several extra shirts, since we had to order in lots of 12.
So if you didn't order one, you might be able to get hold of one now
before they're all gone. Contact me _offlist_.
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