Re: [SLUG] This is Wierd has anyone else seen this?

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 17:25:39 EDT

Michael Manchester wrote:
> My Son has installed Redhat Linux 6.2 three times with
> the same problem. Seems the root password changes.
> Each time he has to reinstall Linux to solve the
> problem. Let me say that it's only root's password. su
> still works. In other words if he tries to logon as
> root he gets and invalid login prompt. If he logs in
> as a user and su's he can login using the root
> password. Is that STRANGE or what. I always thought
> the root and su were the same.
> Any thoughts on what his problem is/and how he stop
> this from happening?

It's not strange if he's trying to telnet into the box and it's denying
a login from root. In every UNIX-like installation I know of, the
'root' user is *not* allowed to log directly into a box remotely,
although she is allowed to log in directly from the console. That would
be an explanation why your son can log in as himself and then 'su' to
root, but cannot log directly in as 'root'.

I would tell you how to allow 'root' to log in directly via non-local
connections, but personally I think you should have to work it out for
yourself so you understand exactly what it is you are enabling by
letting 'root' log in from anywhere.

Now, if he also cannot log in as 'root' from the console, that would
indicate something really bizarre for which I don't have an easy

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