grep passwd and make sure the uids and gids do not match between the
user and root.. I had a problem similar to that where I could not log
in as root after an install.. when you install RH 6.2, don't add a
user, assign a root password. On first boot after install at lilo
type: linux 1
at the prompt passwd root
(assign a password)
useradd username
passwd username
shutdown -r 0
see if that helps :-)
> Original Message from Thu, 17 May 2001 07:38:41 -0400:>
> On Thursday 17 May 2001 06:37 am, Mike wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Robert, but he is typing "su" It's from any
> > terminal that he can't logon as root. In other words
> > if he trys to logon after a reboot he can't logon with
> > root and/or if he uses on of the consoles by pressing
> > ctr-alt-f1-f4
> >
> > The other interesting thing is if he changes the root
> > password, it also changes his userid password. Though
> > the two aren't tied together with any groups.
> >
> > We are at a lose here as to what could be causing the
> > problem. We first suspected a bad install, but after
> > three new installs, with formats, we have ruled that
> > out. We arn't sure how this could be causing the
> > problem, but we are now thinking maybe it's the
> > "hardware". Why/how I don't know.
> >
> Just a thought. Have you ever tried installing from another CD?
Maybe you
> have a crupted file(s) on the medium you are using for the install.
> You're right......thats a wierd one. Cant't say I've ever run
across that one
> before.
> Well good luck and keep trying!
> R.G. Mayhue
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