We have yet another Speaker to come in.
Caldera is coming to the show.
>Message-----From: Deborah Seow <dseow@calderasystems.com>
>We have decided to actually send one of our Caldera reps to the show,
>he will be bringing the "freebies" with him and doing some demos. His name
>is Buck Carhart.
>Deborah Seow
Diana actually was the one who convinced them to come in there.
As I have mentioned she has not taken a NO for a answer determination.
Also for the few who asked. She did get her knee operated on yesterday.
It went well, she is in a little?...hmmm pain and she did say it is
starting to
feel a little better though. We thank you for the concern. Also she is still
the phone today and answering e-mails for the show. She is a trooper.
Before Sunday the details will be updated for the Show. All is going well.
We will be keeping you advised more and more as things develop.
Take Care.
Bill Preece
P.S. Again New Faces at the meeting last night :)
It's only going to get better!
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