This will also happen if you are only trying to login by way of serial console
or telnet session.. In these cases you must su to get root..
~ T
--- Anthony <> wrote:
> The only thing I can think of is that maybe Red Hat has something like
> Mandrake does with security levels. Mandrake has a program that will change
> how secure you system is on one to five levels. On like level five it blocks
> anyone from logging in as root, and you must instead su to root. So perhaps
> there is some security thing going on with Red Hat that is blocking logins as
> root. I don't use Red Hat so I can't say for sure that that is the problem,
> but at least it's an idea.
> > My Son has installed Redhat Linux 6.2 three times with
> > the same problem. Seems the root password changes.
> > Each time he has to reinstall Linux to solve the
> > problem. Let me say that it's only root's password. su
> > still works. In other words if he tries to logon as
> > root he gets and invalid login prompt. If he logs in
> > as a user and su's he can login using the root
> > password. Is that STRANGE or what. I always thought
> > the root and su were the same.
> >
> > Any thoughts on what his problem is/and how he stop
> > this from happening?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Mike Manchester
> >
> --
> Anthony
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