using a external (lynksys or other) firewall/router in the internet link can
provide the protection againt malicous malcontents.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Smitty" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 7:25 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Linux vs FUD
> That was me. The policy is that the OS must be open source as well as
> any communication or encryption software. The reasoning behind that is
> this: Data security can be compromised by a bugged or trojaned op sys.
> Data that is transmitted can be compromised by a bugged or trojaned
> communication or encryption program. If you have the source code to
> audit, and particularly, if you compile the op sys or program from the
> source code, checking the hash of the code against a trusted figure, you
> most likely have a foundation for a secure system. The rest involves
> configuration, keeping the apps and kernel updated, etc.
> Smitty
> Seth wrote:
> >
> > I just helped a friends small company put in a linux file server. We
> > weighed win 2000 server vs. linux
> > We went with Linux for 2 reasons, cost and security
> > money is tight w/ his company right now, and what was expensive were the
> > client access licenses (CALS). (it really annoyed me to have to pay
money for
> > one computer to talk to another)
> > as for security my friend is a little paranoid about security and does
> > the tech news and sees the MS security holes posted everyday. He really
> > it when I explained to him that open source software gets tested more
> > when a hole is found a fix is available almost immediately, or you can
fix it
> > yourself (wish I was that smart)
> >
> > BTW I remember someone on the list saying their company encourages open
> > source software and demands it for anything security related, who was
> > they had a great explanation of why they did it that way.
> > --
> >
> > Seth
> >
> >
> > Lottery: The excitement of bad math.
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