Bpreece wrote:
> Mandrake was just advertised in the sunday best buy flyer
> I do hope we stop loosing these distros
Note, however, that this doesn't mean this distro is gone. Remember when
SuSE had to scale back a big portion of their US offices? They're still
the leading European Distro, but just scaled back in the US. Maybe they
just grew too big too fast and need to scale it down a bit.
Which brings me to an interesting observation; it seems to me like the
trend is starting to be that countries have an almost "national flavor"
of GNU/Linux - save for the US (almost). I mean, think about it -
France/Mandrake, Germany/SuSE, Brazil/Connectiva, US/RedHat-Debian
(mostly), Canada/???Corel??? (I think OpenBSD has a bigger share there,
or maybe it's just their most famous/notorious export) - and some seem
to find their homes away from home, like Japan/TurboLinux. Has anyone
else noticed this or is it just me? Could this become a major trend? Is
it already such? I mean, it's a bit of a generalization that I just
made, but you get the drift, right? Of course, there are those Distros
which are completely transnational - Debian for example (Kondra TRIES to
be), as well as the nano-distros, like LRP. Any thoughts on this?
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