Norbert Cartagena wrote:
> Oh yeah, before that, check to make sure it's not just a problem with
> KDE. Login to Gnome instead and try the same thing. If you can do it in
> Gnome and not in KDE, then it's deffinitelly a problem with KDE. If you
> can't do it there, then It's deffinitelly a problem somewhere else
> (probably in the /etc/fstab file, but possibly - hopefully not - in the
> /dev directory).
> Please post what happens. I've gotten problems like this before and know
> they can be a Yeti to track (the Yeti being much more elusive than the
> bear ;)
> Norb
Ok, I can access Gnome but not KDE. I haven't tried the /mnt command
yet, but I will. If it turns out that I can't access the drives in KDE,
I'll just use the Gnome environment.
Thanks, Norb!
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