Actually, I was the victim of a High School prank oh so long ago...I was
in the band at Chamberlain, and as we were the Chiefs, I came to a pep
rally in full regalia, Headress, make-up, tunic, knee-high leather boots
and green pants. I was the only one in the band dressed this way! :-)
But I made the most of it! Of course, everyone laughed at me. Oh well...
PS I look forward to getting my T-Shirt at the show anyway...
_its_ (no apostrophe) means "the thing that it owns"
_it's_ (with apostrophe) means "it is"
>From: Norbert Cartagena <>
>Subject: Re: [SLUG] Dress Code for CTS?
>Date: Fri, May 25, 2001, 11:14
> Russell Hires wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> It's almost a silly question. Should we dress up? Be casual? Be our
>> normal SLUG selves? What sort of image are we projecting? Do we care?
>> Russell
> Well, Wearing a GNU/Linux shirt would certainly be nice (I'll be wearing
> one;) We're projecting the "Hey, this stuff is fun AND could be
> proffitable." Except for you. You have to wear a tuxedo for asking about
> adress code.
> Norb
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