I have used Mavica since the early model and I find it a very good camera as
well. They continue to improve it, sure there are others out there.
However some articulation of helpful/contructive criticism from BlitzK was
absent other than it it sucks. I do not own one but have used it as a
loaner from a friend. Like you said the floppy is nice and portable and
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Wyatt" <awyatt@intergate.cx>
To: <slug@nks.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Re: Digital Camera - Linux Compatible?
> On 26 May 2001 13:12:20 -0400, BlitzK wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > I've been happy with my Sony Mavica, it reads, and formats fat
> > floppys,
> > > > > and linux has no problem reading those ;-)
> >
> > Yeah... right... If anyone buys those now they're out of their minds!
> > Those
> > things suck.
> >
> Ok, so I'm out of my mind? It's an excellent camera, and floppies are $3
> for 10.. I have no problems with it, it takes better pictures than any
> other camera I have seen. It also supports wide angle, and many other
> features, so I must ask where you became so informed as to how I could
> be out of my mind for owning one.
> >
> > Wouldn't it be easier (and faster) to buy an external (smart/CF) card
> > that works with linux? Just take the card out of ANY digicam and stick
> > in the reader... Who cares what the kind of camera it is...
> >
> > You can get these readers for $20 and up
> What's the difference, I have an added benefit, I'm not limited to a
> system that requires a smart reader, nearly all computers still have
> floppy drives, why not use them?
> >
> >
> >
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