On Sun, 27 May 2001, Todd wrote:
> Yup in the grand scheme of things its tiny...and it will fail for one reason
> and one reason only......Egos.....for example: The people at red hat have
> already said no way that they would use apt-get
IANARHE -- Cite please, ,,, I think that's a
mischaracterization -- certainly Jeff Johnson, who is the
prime architect for the maintenance and extension of RPM at
Red Hat, which is the affected engine, has not said that ...
Indeed the package relocations at RH 7.0 were largely to
conform to the latest (still not official) FHS specs.
Indeed, Jeff offered some thoughts on the rpm-list to the
Connectiva fellows to enhancing their apt-get based RPM
updating product (against the strict commercial interest of
RH); and has detailed the intracies of fixing RPM databases,
without charge, on that list, after Ximian Red Carpet has
corrupted several ,,, hardly monopolistic behaviour.
> and the people at debian say rpm is evil (paraphrasing of
Gee, I nust have missed that one too -- funny, for I read my
Debian-QA, and Debian Weekly News most carefully. Cite,
> what is gonna make the standard and
> what will that standard be?...if there ever is a standard it will work this
> way: 1. Placement of libs 2. standard for "other" system files. Thats
> all that might ever be agreed up on and *I* feel it wont even make it that
> far because of some of the egos involved.
I had not noticed the ego in Stuart Anderson's presentation to
SLUG -- http://www.suncoastlug.org/anderson.html -- nor in
Andrew Josey's work as reflected by the Open Group pitching in
on this work, with the conformance testing harness, and
roughly monthly public updates on distro compliance across
the LSB-devel list.
> In case you havent noticed there
> are some HUGE egos in the linux community and those people hate it when they
> have to concede even little points. Its nothing wrong with the community
> its just a fact of life you see EVERYWHERE.
Well I see at least one ego. A google search, and a deja
search turn up this:
> Your search - author:trunnels@tampabay.rr.com - did not
> match any documents.
> No pages were found containing "trunnels@tampabay.rr.com"
Under what userid and email address do you contribute, rather
than throw rocks?
-- Russ
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