patrick wrote:
> > is probably the best distro for a newbie, but it has so many bleeding
> > edge progs in it that it is not as stable as RedHat or SuSE.
> i have mandrake 8 in my amd machine for a few weeks now and
> have no stability problems. can u prove your statement. u cant
> by me.
Actually, other than the repeated personal accounts provided by various
members numerous times regarding Drake and instability (my own included
- and I had used drake 6.1/6.5/7.0a/7.0b/7.1/7.2, seeing it get cooler
yet more unreliable almost every time, save for 7.0-7.1), no, I suppose
that you can't. Nevertheless, Smitty is correct in his statement that
Mandrake attempts to but so many bleeding edge techs into their distro -
that's both a strength and a weaknes. Strength because anyone can now
say "ooh! Lookie all the nifty toys!! I can do anything I want!"
Weakness because newer techs will have more undiscovered bugs and
therefore stability problems. What you have had is your own experience
on that machine. Who knows, maybe it'll act alot quitkier with a
different set of hardware? I know that this is often the case. My SuSE
system works spectacularly on my laptop but on my desktop it's given me
enough little problems that it makes me think that perhaps I should try
another distro (I keep trying, unsuccessfully to upgrade stormix - still
one of my favorites - to Progeny).
And, actually, I still contend that SuSE is just as easy to use for
newbies as Drake with better docimentation ;o) (IMHO - no distro wars,
> and my point is we ALL have got to get rid of its not as good as
> my distro,
> or im gonna run down this distro to make mine look better.
> i have had no problems with mandrake 8. the only problem i have
> had is i cant seem to update my nvida drivers. hopefully in the
> near future we will be able to update video drivers in a little easier
> fashion.
Have you tried the 1.0 drivers from their FTP site?
By the way, what Smitty sugested was something I would suggest as well.
Seems to be that /boot as ext2 and /everything-else as ReiserFS works
quite well. The only time you'll have problems is if you're trying to
mount the ReiserFS partition with something that can't recognize it -
then you're screwed.
Pat - are you using ext2 for all your partitions? I thought the Mandrake
default was to use ReiserFS?
Anyways, it won't much matter soon - when ext3 comes out it'll
automatically be the dominant file system by virtue of conveniency - ie.
you can upgrade frile systems between 2 & 3, thereby adding journaling
file system capabilities and not having to wipe out the system to do it.
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