On Mon, 28 May 2001, patrick wrote:
> if u are using mandrake and dont have any system sounds
> i've got the fix. go to control panel and look and feel and then
> to themes. click on the Mcbreigh theme. u now have sound
> and a theme. if u want to rid yourself of the theme then just
> click on default again. when i installed my mandrake last
> time i didnt get any sounds. this is a newbie way to work
> around all the programming stuff :)
> am i brilliant or what :)
It must go with the distribution ...
Hey, those Mandrake folks must to be on to something ...
The've let their CEO go ( http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/pr-deny.php3 ),
because he wanted to move into markets which have income stream possibilities,
and gone to a distributed support model, where customers can
'tip' on a voluntary basis their volunteer support community
(with MandeakeSoft taking a cut for the service),
and to soliciting voluntary gifts to a private, closely held,
pre-IPO, for-profit Societe Anonymee ...
Those crazy French ... maybe that's why their version of the
penguin logo looks like he is sitting in a stew-pot. <grin>
-- Russ
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