On Monday 28 May 2001 08:22 pm, you wrote:
> Hi all,
> If one is bored enough to wonder, there is a more practical and
> recommended way of changing your sounds in the KDE environment. Note
> that this is distribution independent and sorry Patrick, you're not a
> genius. In pre-2.x releases of KDE, sound events had there own module
> for configuring when KDE should play sounds. If you wish to assign
> sounds to different events in KDE 2.x you go to the control center,
> select LookNFeel category, then select system notifications. Now choose
> the appropriate program, choose the event, and select play sound. Note
> that you will need to provide the name of desired audio file to play and
> it must be a supported format (*.wav files work good.)
> Egos tend to be self-destructive, use with care. :p
look, its a bug in kde. if u do wht i said it does work :)
and i am only having some fun. chill out everybody.
> Travis
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