Bill Preece wrote:
> Just a few quick things.
> I will be at the Harborview Center around 4:00pm the setup time is around
> 12:00 to 6:00pm
> if anyone is going to be there to setup today such as NKS they will let you
> in at Noon.
> Just let Scott Stemple know.
We'll be there today to set things up on our end. Will we need any kind
of secret passphrase to get in?
> Well it is almost show time all and this should be great.
> Bring your cameras , anyone have a digital camera please bring it to take
> lots of cool pics.
I'll have my Olympus D-490 with a 64M smartmedia card, which is good for
about 120 photos before it needs to be downloaded and emptied. I'll
also have a little Creative Webcam I can plug into my laptop or
> That will give us 1 Mandrake machine - Tom Ufer , 1 S.u.S.E. - Norb , 1 Red
> Hat - Diana , 1 - Stormix -Progeny - Myself , Also
> maybe 1 Turbo Box . This will cover the distros we have .
My laptop runs "plain old" Debian 2.2.
> Both Diana and myself will have 2way radios as to monitor things happening
> around the show.
I've got a pair too, maybe they'll talk on the same frequency?
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