On Wednesday 30 May 2001 20:46, you wrote:
> On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 11:13:50AM -0700, ter swartz wrote:
> > The company that I am working for is looking to switch
> > to another web hosting company (from Net Solution and
> > Mindspring), due to unreliablity and poor tech
> > support. I have been looking at xo.com and ait.com.
> > Does anybody have some feedback about either or
> > another suggestion? Just need basic domain
> > resolution, with some limited video streaming, pop3
> > accounts and 30-50megs of anonymous FTP (did I spell
> > that right?) & to work!
> > Pete
> Don't know about anonymous FTP, but we've had our corporate website
> hosted by XO for four years. Never a service problem. You can check with
> them on what services they currently offer in what packages. Pricing has
> been reasonable as well. We pay $39.95 per month for hosting our
> domain/website, dial-up (backup to DSL), and the standard email
> accounts, disk space, etc.
> Paul
We used to use them too, but as I was having problems getting them to support
secure mail pickup I changed to Intnet.net. They have OC-12 (625MB/sec) and
has a MUCH faster web service than XO.
Comes with user friendly web interface too. Actually it's much more
responsive than XO's.
Similar pricing...
Steve Szmidt
Do you ferret?
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