On Sun, 3 Jun 2001, Bob File wrote:
> On Saturday 02 June 2001 21:41, Frank Roberts - SOTL wrote:
> > Thanks to those who helped me with my computer today at the Port Richie
> I didn't actually help much, but you're certainly welcome. I thought that was
> a pretty good meeting, considering 3 different people brought machines and
> got help. One person there wanted Linux to use an INtel Ether Express card
> (NIC) and he tried 3 different distributions with no luck.
yes -- We buoght about 50 of these ISA pullouts -- a bit
tricky -- _some _ kernels ONLY wanted the io option set --
the irq confused it.
There are two setup and diagnostic programs available from
Intel to set up unit -- forget their names just at the moment,
-- the EE/pro 10 and the older plain ee took differing
versions as I recall.
Until the card test good with that diagnostic, I go no further
-- I've probable tossed out 10 of that lot of 50 for that
(NB -- working under Windows is not a valid test -- it ignores
some parameters which Linux [Don Becker as I reccall] uses --
I corrresoinded with Becker perhaps 3 years ago, and basically
he said the Linux drivers were a mess due to Linus' arcane
approach to commits and WHO the maintainer was, and how the
maintainers commits were applied, and with the roll-in of PCI
cards, only of historical interest)
There is also a lock up issue in TX mode with that card as I
The COLUG knowledge base has some older configuration
information in comments at:
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