Re: [SLUG] Caldera Per Seat Licenses

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 16:38:41 EDT

Paul M Foster wrote:
> Well, here's a little fun news item. It seems Caldera doesn't want you
> to make random copies of their distro any more. One computer, one copy
> of the software. The link is:
> This is an awful lot like Microsoft/Sun/IBM/*nix. I wonder what would
> happen if all the LUGs stopped promoting Caldera? Unfortunately, I'm not
> sure Ransom Love would even care; he had to realize this would cause a
> problem.

It killed SCO to the point that some smarmy little Open-Source company
could afford to buy them up ... oh wait a sec... that was Caldera
wasn't it? Makes you wonder if the badjuice flowed the wrong way
during the acquisition.

It'll just push people/companies toward a distro that doesn't have
per-seat license fees like, well, like ALL the others.

One has to wonder if Mr. Love has misunderstood the industry he's in.
Linux is ALL about competition and choice - there's no customer lock-in
like in the Microsoft world. People will just move to RedHat or SuSE or
Mandrake or Progeny or... well, you get the concept.

I applaud Caldera for being the first commercial company to really start
being "a Linux company" but they seem to have gone downhill ever since.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \ | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec -

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