[SLUG] Re Diana

From: diana (dazie@mindspring.com)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 19:08:54 EDT


     If any bodys intrested in my responce to Cnet concerning My web site

      I put up a web page with your
 quicksitebuilder and published it.
 Everyone that is in our Lnux users group has asked how come the
site is sending cookies to them I honestoy
would have thought that cnet would have been a little more professional
about ones privacy.
I hope that cnet will remove these cookies as it is a feeling of ones
privacy being violated.
If you are going to send cookies then you should make this known to the
person who is putting up the web page.
As this will keep that person from being accused of using such methods
of trying to invade ones privacy.
    Thank you

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