On Thursday 09 August 2001 12:54, you wrote:
> Linux's weaknesses ..
> 1: Telekinesis .. no matter how I cron echo 1>/proc/coffee it
> flat refuses to push the button on the coffee maker <G>
Is that a Bunn, Proctor-Silex or a Black and Decker. We'll need
the model numbers and the kernel number. Oh, and are you certain
they have water in them? This was a safeguard added to the
coffee.o module in kernel 2.4.9. I have the URL for a backport
somewhere here ... oh never mind, my wife used it to line the
bird cage. It doesn't exist.
> 2: The /dev/remote driver sucks too, still need to reach AFK
> to change channels <G> ..
Did you file a bug report? I think that's a Gnome project.
> 3: kill -9 `ps -x | grep netscape | awk '{print $1}'` -- no
> no, the kernel should know netscape will crash, and kill it
> before it opens <G>
You are on the right track but that goes in the
/usr/bong/inetd.cfg file ... Kmail has no way to process the
command. Although you could give it a .vbs extension and try
Outlook. It'll run ANYTHING. That's a feature, folks.
> 4: code red .. I like single sentence webpages, it would help
> me greatly by defacing my own sites for me .. <G>
There is a strong market for single sentence web sites ... you
should do well with the correct marketing behind you. Contact me
off-list for my list of fees and services in marketing you
nationally. We can do this. We can make you a $$hundred-aire$$
just as we did for Morty Lefkowizxc
> 5: It's too inexpensive, I LOVE to spend money on software
> that has features such as the ability to seemlessly repeat #4
Send $50 for the loopendlessloopendlessloop script. Be the first
coder on your block to have a finite length endless loop.
> ..
> 6: Blue screens, "nuff said" <G> ..
Install Win 95 inside VMware and use it as a visual basic script
coffee timer (see #1).
> I can come up with many more Linux "weaknesses" if you still
> don't see a reason to switch to windows ROTFL
Tech support ... you forgot that Linux has NO tech support while
WIndows tech support is just a phone number (and 23 additional
key presses) away from an automated dial-tone self-help system.
Most likely you will get to the dial tone before you get to the
tech support. It's a feature not found in ANY open source
software. Microsoft ... innovation in tech-support ... "it's the
'murkin' way!"
I hope this helped. <grin!>
--My friends think I run an operating system called "Whattayanuts" because everytime they ask what version of Windows I use I respond: "Whatayanuts?" ... and reply to "selinux", instead. icq # 126373831
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