There's a line in the header that says:
Content-Type: text/plain;
I think the character set is the culpret. Most of the e-mail traffic in the
group is US ASCII or ISO-8859. I'm running KMail 1.2 on KDE 2, and it's using
the Terminal font. Looks like something from an old Atari or TI-99, makes my
eyes hurt.
I forced this reply over to US ASCII. See if that doesn't help.
On Saturday 11 August 2001 21:31, you wrote:
> On my computer this looks like Arabic.
> Does anyone else have the same problem?
> Frank
> On Saturday 11 August 2001 08:24 pm, you wrote:
> > I have two linux c/perl mysql programming positions open. Anyone
> > interested? Forward me a resume. I would prefer good attitude and
> > experience rather than education.
> >
> > Let me know
> >
> > Wyly
> > 813-253-2267x5003
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