To add to what Mark wrote, Debian defaults to runlevel 2, even for an X display. They also use a
system that has alternatives for programs (such as different vi clones being called when you want vi,
or different window managers for the default). You can read man update-alternatives, or just use the
update-alternatives --config x-window-manager
to get a list of the loaded window managers and then pick one. This isn't something you would do each
time you want to run one, and I never changed the default, even though it isn't the window manager
that I use. I have an .xinitrc file in my home directory that runs Windowmaker (my choice of window
I know kdm and I think gdm will both let you select which window manager you want, so you will
probably want to install kde and/or gnome. If you have not upgraded your Debian to the testing or
unstable versions, then you will have to add a line in your apt sources file (the file that apt-get
uses to tell what packages are available).
Edit the /etc/apt.sources.list file and add one of the sources from to it, such as
deb potato main crypto optional
then save the file, and enter the following commands.
apt-get update ( this will update your available debian packages list)
apt-get install task-kde (this will grab most of the kde stuff, including all of the dependencies
It could take quite a while, depending on your connection speed.
I think gnome is apt-get install task-gnome, but I'm not sure.
Once you have kde running, install kpackage if it isn't done for you (apt-get install kpackage), and
you will have a graphical package manager than is pretty nice. Just set the package source to Debian
apt and you'll be ready to graphically add and delete thousands of debian packages to your system (but
you'll have to be root).
You can look at for general Debian information, and of course (packages
link will let you search for packages)
If you want to upgrade to the next version of Debian (woody, also now called testing), just change the
words stable in your /etc/apt/sources.list file to testing, and then issue the commands
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
(or apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade if you want to do it on one line)
If you want the latest and greatest long before Suse, Mandrake, or anybody else offers them on CD,
then set your apt sources to unstable, also called Sid (all debian distros are named after characters
in the toy story movies) and do the apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade deal.
Packages downloaded with apt are kept in /var/cache/apt/archives, so you may want to clean them out if
you are downloading many megs of files. apt-get clean does that.
If you uncomment the line in the sources.list file, then you can make sure your
system is kept up to date with security issues. If any packages are upgraded for security or any
reason, you'll be current. You can have a cron job that contains a simple script of apt-get update
&& apt-get upgrade and have the system update every day, week, or whatever you want.
Mark wrote:
> Use dselect or apt-get to install xdm and then /etc/init.d/xdm start
> Found through google:
> if you like to use a different wm, you can use this trick instead of
> having to change your .xinitrc everytime. just add this to your .xinitrc
> file and restart X . . . enjoy
> xmessage -center -buttons 'FVWM':1,'mlvwm':2,'Window Maker':3,'AfterStep':4,'KDE':5,'FVWM2':6 \
> "Choose window manager" ANS=$?
> #
> if [ $ANS -eq 1 ]; then
> fvwm
> fi
> #
> if [ $ANS -eq 2 ]; then
> mlvwm
> fi
> #
> if [ $ANS -eq 3 ]; then
> # kfm &
> /usr/local/bin/wmaker
> fi
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Erle Robinson wrote:
> > Ok, Here is another question.
> > I am using RH 7.1 and gdm as my login manager.
> > I would much prefer to use kdm (since it gives me the ability to use images
> > for root and user)
> >
> > My question is - How do I change login managers without reinstalling
> > everything ?
> >
> > Thank You
> >
> > Erle
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Mark Bishop ( | Computer Engineer |
> | 813.258.2390 | Network Engineer |
> | | Embedded Programmer |
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