[SLUG] Oh No! Lost Connect During Apt-Get Dist-Upgrade!

From: edoc (kd4e@arrl.net)
Date: Fri Aug 17 2001 - 22:28:16 EDT

I need your wise counsel ... how do I recover from the dropped
connection without running it all again?

I ran apt-get dist-upgrade from 11AM until 7PM today when we
suffered a power outage which took out the phones eventually.

I had downloaded 149 of 159 from the Progeny site and would
really hate to have to start all over again.

Is there a "resume" sort of command ... please say yes!! :-)

There is some obscure language following the notice of the lost
connection that babbles about "maybe try --fix-missing" ... what's
up with that, please?


Anxiously awaiting good news about this!


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