Just got in this am and am catching yup on this thread,,, You are updating
the wrong file for win98! populate the /windows/hosts file and all will
work fine when trying to ping the Linux box using the host name.
Michael C. Rock
> -----Original Message-----
> From: slug@lists.nks.net [mailto:slug@lists.nks.net]On Behalf Of SOTL
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 8:34 PM
> To: slug@nks.net
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] RH 7.1, Win 98, and Samba
> On Sunday 19 August 2001 04:57 pm, you wrote:
> > <snip>
> > I haven't followed this closely,
> Actually you have. Very little has been posted on the SLUG list
> about this.
> > but I assume that the machine that ends
> > up "pinging" the 169* address is the Windows machine?
> Yes
> > Actually, I'll
> > bet it's not actually pinging that address, but looking to that address
> > for name resolution.
> That is what I suspect too.
> > You have to fiddle with Windows to make this stop,
> > but I can't recall how. It's something like either disabling Dial-Up
> > Networking, or changing the nameserver to the local machine. Something
> > like that.
> >
> > Paul
> Thanks Paul
> All of this is a next weekend issue.
> I only work on Linux configuration on the weekend and this one is over.
> Maybe if I am lucky I can find time to look for a Win Network
> User Group that
> has the same character as a Linux group but I dought that I will have the
> time.
> Thanks Again.
> Frank
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