Maybe you could do future articles on this.
Like most business types I am trying to form an office network. The
advantages for this are obvious; the difficulties less so.
For this network there would be a minimum of 20 to 30 computers if the
company grew to its practical limits in one office. If the company was bigger
we would have to open more offices so this is a realistic upper limit on the
number of computers. A more piratical lever would be 10 to 15 if everybody
had a computer. This for a number of business reasons is counter productive
so even this level is probable excessive. So this is a small network.
Next all of this equipment is located in the same confined office.
Implication, there is no need to have internal security in the realm of
encrypted files on the lan. Restrictions of who may view others files would
be highly desirable but not encrypted logins or encrypted files.
At todays Dunedial Linux meeting 10+ 2ND and 3RD level people could not
network 1 Linux box using Samba and 1 Win 98 box.
By 2 and 3 level I mean 0 = zero level knowledge and 5 = Alan Cox & Linus
level. There were no network people in this group of linux geeks.
This combined group of 10+ linux people failes to make one - 2 computer
network work in 4 hours.
The point being that if 10+ 2ND and 3RD level linux people can not put
together 1 network in about 4 hours then the HOWTOs are to vague and the
requirement to complicated for the average half claim baked small computer
guru to even consider networking a small office.
Thanks for your ear.
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