On Sun, Aug 26, 2001 at 06:09:27AM -0700, Mark Banschbach wrote:
> HI peoplez!
> I just wanted to stop this morning and say a public
> " Thank You !" to Bill, Paul, and everyone who had a
> hand in the planning stages of the picnic. Sheri and
> I enjoyed ourselves immensely, and are looking forward
> to the SLUG Christmas Party ! :)
BTW, with this in mind, Bill Preece is again a SLUG hero for doing most
of the work to organize this event. He fronted the money for the
pavilion, argued unreasonably with the park lady, brought a ton of
stuff, cooked, and put out the urgent calls for people to RSVP.
Likewise, Glen Canaday's girlfriend, Theresa, deserves credit for
grabbing Bill's check and getting it to the park people on time. And of
course, to everyone who brought food, drink, ice, coolers, etc., thanks.
And to the "Geeks In The Back", we wouldn't have known this was a Linux
event without you guys! ;-}
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