DMCA is a very minor part of the overall problem.
The real problem is that a foreign national is being prosecuted in the US for
an act performed in his own country. Of course the act just happens to be
legal there.
Reminds on of the old Soviet Union's legal system.
To understand this lets reverse it.
Lets suppose that that Dmitri is a US citizen and that he wrote a financial
program in the US.
He is then invited to Moscow to explain the program where he is immediately
jailed and charged the financial crime of not working for the state (the
people) and being a capitalists (an enemy of the people). The Soviets of
course protest that since their law are people laws they applies to all
world citizens in all locations world wide.
Sorry, any future comments by me will be made on the political list.
On Wednesday 29 August 2001 07:43 pm, Smitty wrote:
> I think you mean the law is unconstitutional in this one. I hope he
> retains a very good team of attorneys. I think title I of the dmca can be
> beat, particularly if he gets a jury trial.
> Smitty
> On Wednesday 29 August 2001 12:48, you wrote:
> > Dmitri has been indicted on five counts:
> >
> >
> >pr .html
> >
> > That means he could conceivably be put away for 25 years and fined
> > US$2.5 million.
> >
> > All for doing something that's legal in his own country and probably
> > unconsitutional in this one.
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