here you go...
printing = bsd
lock directory = /var/spool/samba/
share modes = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
null passwords = yes
status = yes
server string = blue01
workgroup = bluecrabtech
netbios name = blue01
guest account = nobody
load printers = yes
printcap name = /etc/printcap
hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
create mode = 0750
allow hosts = 192.168.1. 127.
path = /var/spool/lpd/lp
browseable = yes
printable = yes
public = yes
writable = no
create mode = 0700
Postscript = true
allow hosts = 192.168.1. 127.
path = /home/data
browseable = yes
writable = yes
comment = data directory
public = yes
create mode = 0750
allow hosts = 192.168.1. 127.
-----Original Message-----
From: SOTL []
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 7:03 PM
To: Michael K. Dittmeier
Subject: Re: [SLUG] Server project for non for profit organization
Am I to assume from that you can see your network from the Win box?
If how did you do that.
I have not been able to achieve it.
There appears to be something wrong with my host or lmhost setup in the win
I can ping from linux to linux or win using address and names.
I can ping from win to win or linux using address.
I can ping win to win using name but it goes to some wild host file to do
I CAN NOT ping from win to linux using names.
On Thursday 30 August 2001 06:47 pm, Michael K. Dittmeier wrote:
> I have Samba working as a workgroup solution, but have been unable to get
> it working as a domain controller with windows 2000 yet. I still have to
> download the news release of Samba [2.2.1a]
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SOTL []
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 6:14 PM
> To: Michael K. Dittmeier
> Subject: Re: [SLUG] Server project for non for profit organization
> <Snip>
> > Mike Dittmeier
> I am going to make an assumption that you are going to use Samba on the
> linux
> box.
> If you get Samba to work I would like to know how you did it.
> If you recall there have been a number of posting on this site in the last
> 2 months over this subject. The latest ones being that about 10 of us
> failed to
> make two computers work correctly at the last Dunedin meeting.
> Thanks
> Frank
> PS. The current ides explained to me by one of the network people is to
> e-Smith for the firewall/server but that implies 3 computers and I have
> only 2.
> If you are interested in working on this together in person or over the
> please let me know.
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