Re: [SLUG] Re: This is disgusting & Two Computers Networked?

From: Derek Glidden (
Date: Fri Sep 07 2001 - 11:24:34 EDT

Bryan-TheBS-Smith wrote:
> > Now these people may manufacture fine equipment but I have
> > the same question in relation to Cisco as I have in relation
> > to Microsoft. Why would anyone pay their high prices when
> > you can get a better product for much, much less?
> Same reason why people buy Oracle, Adaptec, Promise, Western Digital
> (although that's changing), etc...

It's really not at all on-topic with this thread, but I have to take
issue with this statement, at least about the Oracle business.

I'm an Oracle DBA. I've used just about every db product out there.
There is NO other db (with the possible exception of DB2) that is as
nearly bulletproof as Oracle. Once you've worked with a lot of db
software, you begin to understand that Oracle pricing isn't that
outrageous when you compare it to the value of the data it's storing.

No I don't work for Oracle, and I'm not trying to sell anyone on
Oracle. I just think that, having worked with it, and many other
products, for several years now, it has an unjustified reputation for
being overpriced. It's one of the few products I've worked with in
*any* category that I feel is fully justified in what it costs.

But note that this DOESN'T mean I would recommend someone buy Oracle for
running a little website storefront. Something like MySQL is perfectly
adequate for that. And in fact MySQL and PostgreSQL are perfectly
adequate for MOST database tasks nowadays. But if you need a database
that's as bulletproof as money can buy, because you're storing, say
medical records or credit card transactions, I'd tell you to buy
Oracle. (And run it on Linux of course. :)

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