Re: [SLUG] Install ?'s

From: Bryan-TheBS-Smith (
Date: Sun Sep 09 2001 - 02:10:29 EDT

Ted Fletcher wrote:
> It's more difficult when you have an NT version of windows to boot
> with because NT has it's own LILO that resides in the MBR.

With NT 4.0, I had no issues putting something else in the MBR. The
last time I used Windows 2000 was NT 5.0 beta 2, so I cannot comment
on 2000+.

> 1. make sure you defrag your drives to organize all of your data
> to the front of your drive.

Executive Software has a defragmentor called DiskKeeper for NT 4.0
(basic version is a free download). I believe Microsoft licensed it
for Windows 2000.

> 2. first, get your partitions set using the cool Disk Druid that
> is in the installation process of Red Hat 7.1

Well, it might work fine for many people, but I only trust fdisk (or
cfdisk and variants). Just today at the JAXLUG Installfest, RedHat
7.1 was bitching about an "invalid partition table" and hitting
Alt-F2 to run it manually fixed it. There was nothing wrong with
the partition table from the standpoint of fdisk.

> 3. don't touch anything that is Fat32 (your windows stuff). Red
> Hat's Disk Druid will autodetect how you want your partitions set
> up. (leaving the windows partitions alone)

RedHat's default scheme isn't too bad. I've seen worse on other

> 4. then ya got the fun part of Disk Druid. Selecting the mount
> points. all you need to do is enter a "/" as your mount poin
> for your root directory. the other partition is labeled "LINUX" and
> doesn't need a mount point. (It mounts behind the swap)

??? I guess I'm confused here ???

If you have space for a "good install," I always recommend the
following to minimize fragmentation and free inode issues (if you
use Ext2):

   /home (or mounted from server)

Servers should probably have additional partitions separated out
based on purpose. E.g. (again, all RedHat 7.x default directories
based on service):

General/All-Purpose Server:

Heavy mail server:
Departmental LPD (print) server:
Departmental Samba (print) server:
Squid server (_always_ recommend separate):


Apache (good move from a security standpoint too):

And various others -- again, usually based out of /var/spool or
/var/lib (with exceptions like Apache, FTP, etc...). So just
separating those two might be "good enough".

BTW, with newer versions of LILO, with the lba32 option, I don't
really see the need to separate out /boot. About the only reason to
do so is if you cannot put / close enough so it can boot properly.
That's about it IMHO.

> 5. do not install LILO on your MBR. You will have the choice
> given to you. You just want LILO installed on the front of the
> Linux partitions.

This is good in conjuction with a boot loader. You can do this
various ways. For NT 4.0, I hate the NTLDR setup -- so I usually
use XOSL (OSS) or System Commander (commercial), and there are
others. With Windows 2000, it gets more difficult, so you may want
to "leave it in charge.

> 6. now go through the installation process and pray to God that
> all of your I/O devices are detected ;-) and get RED HAT 7.1 up

A "good excercise" for an UNIX sysadmin is to practice "recovery"
with the boot CD/floppy into either "rescue" mode or even the
"install" mode. That way you can swap out drives and disk
controllers with ease -- and I do it all the time.

> 7. take your boot floppy out and reboot your machine.........
> chances are that boot magic will autodetect everything but don't
> get upset if it doesn't. (it's an easy fix)

Er, did I miss something about Boot Magic above??? (re-reading ...
nope) I guess it was earlier in the thread?

BTW, Boot Magic is yet another good boot loader to consider. I find
System Commander is the most flexible, but it is $50.

Free/OSS XOSL ( can do much of what Boot Magic
can, and it boasts a built-in, 32-bit embedded OS which allows it to
run a few programs -- like Ranish Partition manager. This can be
very nice when you go to install a new hard drive or OS. Hence why
I like to use it on just about any new hard drive I install, or
system I setup (even existing ones). It either needs its own
partition, or a FAT16 or FAT32 partition to store its files.

> now if it works're all done........if's what you do.
> 1. Enter in that boot disk for Linux you created and reboot your machine.
> Enter the KDE (K Desktop Environment) and go into your Kontrol Panel. (kinda
> like Control Panel in Windows) There is a "LILO" icon that will allow you
> to edit LILO through a GUI to point to your partitions. Go to the second
> TAB and click on Detect OS's. This should do pick out all three of your
> OS's. Then save and close the LILO application. Now reboot the computer
> without the boot disk and it should work fine. Here's how mine is set up.

I'm a Gnome weenie. I really need to check out some of those KDE
goodies. My "UNIX age" is showing -- I do everything "the hard way"
(from CLI).

> hda = my first hard drive
> hdb = my second hard drive

Ouch! Talk about performance issues -- two hard drives on the same

> hda1 = front of first hard drive (probably windows ME for you)
> hda2 = next partition on same drive. (probably Win98 for you)
> hda3 = another partition created on your first hard drive (probably Linux if
> you're running all three off of one hard drive
> hdb1 = second hard drive
> hdb2 = next partition on second hard drive.
> hda1 - Windows 2000 Professional
> hda2 - Red Hat Linux 7.1
> hdb1 - Windows 98

How do you get Windows 98 to boot off of the second drive? Is it D:
(with the bootstrap for Windows 98 installed on hda1)? Or does Boot
Magic reassign/hide drives?

> hope this helps ya out michael........i'll be off and on the machine all day
> today and actually doing a couple of Linux installs at work later in the
> afternoon. Lemme know if this works out for you. I've been in your
> predicament many a times and found it very fulfilling once you get all those
> OS's up and running off the hard disk.


-- TheBS

Bryan "TheBS" Smith    chat:thebs413
Engineer   AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
President    SmithConcepts, Inc.

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