[SLUG] wormy thoughts

From: Bill (selinux@home.com)
Date: Thu Nov 01 2001 - 16:54:53 EST

"The Worm That Wouldn't Leave"

This is beginning to sound like a badly dubbed "B" movie.


This is a case study of the newest infestation (nimda.e) from a reasonably
"upenatem" sysad. Read the whole story ... don't jump to the end. But once
you've gotten to the end, chew on it for a while.

Sometimes Windows users (rightly!) acuse Linux users of being fanatics.
Sometimes we are tempted to hand them a mirror.


icq #126373831 http://www.anhonestdesire.com
Linux a.genesis.com 2.4.12 #2 Wed Oct 17 04:17:02 EDT 2001 i686 unknown

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