[SLUG] Re: upgrade to Woody's SILO doesn't work

From: Mario Lombardo (mario@alienscience.com)
Date: Sat Nov 10 2001 - 01:13:18 EST

I've rectified the system with the measures you gave me earlier. I
understand how it will fix it, and I greatly appreciate your help.

I believe the "incorrectness" you are writing about are the buggy
PROMs--which I don't know why a bug would still be listed as active
since it is a work-around for the hardware not the package/program. True?

Ben Collins wrote:

>On Sat, Nov 10, 2001 at 12:38:32AM -0500, Mario Lombardo wrote:
>> Ben, in referencing silo's bug #109321 (
>>http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=109321 ), it seems the
>>solution you gave me below (I imagine to be executed under /boot) fixes
>>or remedies that bug? Has silo version 1.2.3 incorporated a fix
>>directly? I can't seem to find the fix logs anywhere (broken link?).
>>If it has been fixed, this bug is still listed under an *active* bug.
>It's not a bug in SILO, it's an incorrectness in your system setup. You
>need to compensate for it.

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