Re: [SLUG] GIMP help, please. 6k Graphic attached.

From: Logan (
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 07:05:54 EST

Under "Dialogs" choose "Layers, Channels and Paths." Insert a new layer
on top of your button and experiment. Remember you can always ^z an
error to undo it. After you are finished with your changes, right click
on the image, select "Layers" then "Flatten Image" then save the image.
Conversely, if you don't like the changes you made, you can delete the
layer and begin anew. To make sure you use the same color white on the
image, you can use the eye dropper to suck the color off the picture. I
hope this is a good start.

I use the GIMP a great deal and the best piece of advice I can give is
to actually purchase a GIMP manual. I bought a handy GIMP manual at
Barnes and Noble for $20. Its not an O'Reilly book, but it is full of
pictures and examples. Unfortunately, its in the office and I do not
remember the author's name. I will post it later on today.


On Wed, 2002-01-02 at 04:30, Bill wrote:
> I posted this to another maillist and all I got out of it was a fire
> storm about compression methods. I don't care a fig for compression
> methods at the moment ... I just want to make the white corners of a
> green button transparent (using GIMP) for a class. My alternative is
> to fire up Photoshop or an old version of Corel Draw! and I am
> avoiding those like the plague.
> I am looking for recommendations for help using GIMP. Instructions
> for Photoshop basically litter the internet, but my chosen means of
> self-flaggelation is GIMP.
> I'd like to have a book on my desk that I can just grab, but my
> immediate challenge is to make
> 1) a white area on some pre-existing buttons transparent.
> (sample button attached)
> That's it. Anybody on this list know how to use GIMP for this simple
> chore?
> Bill
> --
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