Re: [SLUG] Tampa computer show/sale

From: Frank Roberts - SOTL (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 18:10:44 EST

On Saturday 05 January 2002 06:04 pm, you wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Just got back--nothing special but I did get 6 puters for 10 bucks. They
> were supposed to be 486s but there were a few pentium 133 mixed in. I got 2
> 133 and 4-486s all had memory and most of the cards(a couple were missing
> nics). Four had HDDs,and I figure at least 5 of them(maybe all) will fire
> up and be just fine. Mentioned this in case there is anyone looking for
> parts or some old puters for routers,etc. In lots of 6 they are 10 bucks or
> 2 bucks each. They had a box van outside with all them in there and when I
> was there(bout 4:30) there were about 25-30 left. The booth is on the back
> wall almost directly opp the entrance. The name of the place(booth) is
> TBMI computers, its a Tampa outfit on Bush Blvd. Anyway, figured Id post
> this in case anyone was/is interested. 5 bucks parking---6 bucks admission.
> A J

Where is the show being held at?



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