Re: [SLUG] Ham Radio

From: Doc (
Date: Tue Jan 08 2002 - 13:36:21 EST

The best place to start is They have all the information you
plus they can put you in touch with a local club where friendly folks will
help you
to study and hook you up with a testing site schedule.

Please E-mail me directly if you'd like more information.

73, Doc KD4E

> Since someone has already brought up Ham Radio I would like to know if
> anyone has any information on attaining a Technician Class license.
> Guides or information about local clubs that offer classes would be
> What I am most interested in is taking a hand-held radio out with me
> kayaking trips and using local repeaters, possibly even autopatch, to
> communicate with the outside world.
> And, to make this relevant to this club, here is a useful Linux Ham Radio
> link that I found chockful of wholesome goodness

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