Re: [SLUG] Question: Linux for Business

From: Robin (Roblimo) Miller (
Date: Tue Jan 15 2002 - 14:21:25 EST

> Basically think of OpenOffice and StarOffice in the same relationship as
> Mozilla and Netscape. OpenOffice is the open-source codebase, where
> StarOffice is the "Sun-enhanced" codebase, possibly enhanced with
> proprietary and/or third-party-licensed code - stuff they can't
> open-source because they don't own it.

Exactly. For example, Word Perfect support will never be offered in
OpenOffice but is scheduled for inclusion in StarOffice 6, according to
several "insiders" I know.

The other thing is, as Derek pointed out, money. Expect StarOffice to
stop being free (beer). And expect corporate management types to take it
more seriously at $50 or $100 per license than they do now, and be more
eager to deploy it because it is a "purchased" product with a "name"
company behind it.

Meanwhile, I expect (but have no evidence one way or the other) that
commercial StarOffice will have a one-click install -- you've got to
admit that the SO6 beta install is as easy as a Linux program install
can get -- while OpenOffice will probably be released source only in the
future or not include Java are something. In other words, you want easy
and you want support, pay up, if you don't download and have fun.

- Robin

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