Re: [SLUG] Yet another IBM commercial for Linux

From: steve (
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 09:44:40 EST

On your part of "ill-effect":

It is still only the beginning of Linux being promoted on airwaves by anyone

As I'm sure you know ads are written to address a particular "public". That
market segment which is most likely to buy your product. As IBM's mainstay is
still business to business this is where they find their public.

All over the world you have people wondering what Linux is. Even home users
will start to wonder if they can/should move up to the well publicized
corporate quality OS they keep hearing about.

In my opinion this is not negative, they may not attract non-corporate
customers with that, but that's OK. First we need to get Linux known anyway.
If IBM can get success with Linux the word will spread.

And I agree with you, seing Linux desktops on RoadRunner ads would be very


On Sunday 20 January 2002 09:04 am, you wrote:
> > Personally, I loved it!
> Yes, and they portray 'middleware' as the real hero of the entire
> system. He asks not for glory .. just content to to his job well.
> The only ill-effect of these commercials is that they portray linux as
> something solely for the corporate world: a lay-up making, server-farm
> replacing workhorse of an operating system. Even the average-joe
> police investigator in that "They Stole All Our Servers" IBM
> commercial says, "What's a Server?" ... In TV commercials, there are
> very few incidentals.
> Don't get me wrong... getting a little public-eye space is great, but
> when I start seeing KDE or Gnome on the home desktops of people in
> Hollywood movies or even those bitter-awful Road Runner commercials,
> then I'll really jump for joy.
> Regards,
> Bill

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